Actually friends this blog was due from very long time back....due to some prior commitments i haven't been able to upload as frequently as possible....
Most of the times we have to bear the brunt of many of our plans misfiring and causing some of us to be given a severe dressing down.
Did you ever have any one of those periods when everything you did backfired on you ...when bad luck came not in handfulls but in droves ????
Well sample this....
I am already late for the class and my roommate has scooted to the class with my banyan ..frantically searching through the laundry dump for a spare i come across a banyan that smells like the hostel mess dustbin(i even think i can see a cockraoach that has mutated by living in it ....you can safely assume that i disposed of it in a BIOHAZARD container.
Wearing a T shirt underneath I had to slip on my formals for the class .....
And folks this is where the fun starts .I was too busy tucking my shirt in ,that i had forgotten to look where i was going....and my foot slipped on the stairs ...my roomate was down and i came tumbling after (Poor Jack) . I was already 15 minutes late and i had skipped my breakfast. Tummy groaning and my head swimming with the constellations of Milky way ...i hobbled off to the class ..
Huffing and panting as i reached the class late and much to my consternation i found that the teacher had not showed up yet safely adhering to the IST standard (Indian Stretchable Time ).
With the humidity outside and thanks to the fans that had not been repaired since world war 2 ...i was profusely sweating and had to take off my formal shirt ....
RELIEF Tshirts are such a god send ...i could almost kiss the designer of the T shirt...it felt relly good to be in casual wear...
15 minutes into the class and the noise in the class was rising to a crescendo ...just as the noise was poised to blow the roof away ....suddenly a deathly silence enveloped the class. It was as if the class had just switched to mute..
What the hell just happened ...i was wondering ...i stood up to survey the situation ..looked back and yet i still could'nt fathom the reason for the unearthly silence ...Why so serious I shout out ?? Come on you RASCALS why did you stop your murmuring (OK murmuring would be an understatement ..it was more likely to be defined as an uproar )..
Again as i turned back to my utter horror behind me was standing the most hated and dreaded professor of our college.. Prof AN Nayak ...an insight into the man's character would in no way endear you to him either..
The most corrupt , dishonest , loud mouthed , mean teacher of all was standing behind me and i was yet to stand up and wish him....it was as if my legs had turned into deep freeze mode ...i was waiting for the earth to part so that i could be saflely embraced by terra firma ...
And then he exploded....WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ....wearing such indecent dresses to class and disturbing the sanctity of the class......
Si...Si....Si was all i could stammer ...all that vocabulary that i am proud of had vanished in an instant
And then he sighted my formal shirt on the table ...all scrunched up like a resturant washcloth....and i could hear fireworks iin the backdrop...what followed next ...i have very little recollection of ....
Something about my culture ...my family.......... and all other teacher abuses you have ever heard.He picked up the shirt with the crook of his hand and threatened to throw it out of the window. For all my readers who have read my previous blog may be knowing that what dire financial straits i am in ....and throwing a shirt out of the window would mean a serious loss from my depleted wardrobe.
And then with all the bravado and assuming airs he thundered ....D you know who i am ?? although a very insignificant question (the whole college knew about this prick of a professor)
And funnily........... as if it was an involuntary reflex i started to shake my head signlling NO.
All common sense had flown out of the window that day.
He had'n t expected such a reaction and looked as if his head was going to blow off......
I shoul have been standing with my head bowed in a posture that signalled supplication...yet i was standing with my hands in my pocket as if i was challenging him for a duel(I could have levelled him with a single blow if it came to a fight though...)
I told you all common sense had flown out of the window that day.
After the usual threats of calling my parents and all those throwing-me-out-of the hostel shit , he let me off with a wrning .My ears were ringing from such a verbal assault....
F**k You i ......wondered and was just starting to show the worldwide accepted hand gesture ....when he turned .....thank god i had the common sense to instatntly stick them into my pockets.....(Thanks to my cargoes).
Fate had already played it's fickle game with me once ...i was'nt to be fooled the nest time.....
With this i sign off repeating one of my friend's favorite adage ...LET DOWN BY LUCK ALWAYS....
see i told you now unluckily my net connection seems to have ditched me too... :(
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