Whew......that was a close shave ....most of my classroom shenanigans have been limited to the back benches of my own classroom.But living life off the edge is my second nature and the charm of siiting in the back of my own section soon weared off..... so yours truly visited the Manufacturing Science section .
Now that section is a totally different ballgame ...electrical consists of 72 students all bent on adding to the cacophony in the class,while Manu. had only 30 students and that too only a handful had ever dared to create a disturbance...
Walking into the class , i was greeted by my friends in Manu,happy that a BBCian was joining the ranks .And my friend Mridu had a confounded look on her face when she saw me in the class. But the class was a small one and it had no escape routes PROBLEM....
But hardcore BBCians relish the challenge...
and i had spoken too soon .....
in waltz in the Fluid dynamics ma'am and MY GGGOOODDD she was a stunner ...
if my readers had ever read my previous blog "Who said love was blind......"then they can fathom the kind of feelings that coursed through me when i saw her.
She had turned my heart to a warm fluid and i was swimming in my dreams fantasising about going on a date with her..
And then just when life seems to be all rosy ...it comes out to screw you
SURPRISE TEST she hollered ....Damn ! *&^^%$%@ (sorry guys these expletives are all censored).For the first time i am in the class and i have to appear in a surprise test ...GOD whose face had i glanced to be in such a quandry (probably my own ).And then i knew that i was to be thrown out of the class when she would see my copy.OK time for some countermeasures ....
Next to me (Thank God) was my close handsome but complete nitwit friend Lohit. OK cheating would be too harsh a word in my circumstances i would prefer to call it a technical collabaration...ok ok shamelessly cheating from him . And putting on my The-answer-is-so-close-to-my-tongue-but-i-cant-get-it look ( the teacher was fooled by my innocent face ) ,I managed to survive the class.
Todays class was a perfect recepie for a heart attack.Sweat pouring down my brow, I scooted from the class as soon as i heard the bell.
They say that fear us the perfect adrenaline rush for thrill seekers ...but i had my thrill for one class and never in the coming classes would i venture out from the safety of the back benches from my own class.
the ever welcomed intruder,trespasser,MISGUIDE.....our classes is full of SURPRISES...there are loads more to come...the poor electrabuzz is really short circuited by hydraullics...next time come protected
ReplyDeletehey abhijeet............u dont knw much abt dis guy and he can make any teacher sweat..........and plz correct ur conception...........we r called eleczions........not electrabuzz.....danger, 440volts