Thursday, December 15, 2011


How many times have we stopped ourselves from attempting something just for the fear of failure…how many times have we chosen just to play safe while the bigger risks stared at us in the face, how many times have we shirked away from something just because it did not go well the last time you ventured to experience it…how many times did we turn away that helping hand in the doubt that I something goes wrong you would be all alone….

These are some o the tough questions that life throws at you time and again, a bad card here…a speed breaker there.. and suddenly you have been coasting along and your confidence starts to wane…no doubt even the best of intentions of others around you…your brain goes into overdrive thinking WHY ME…did I do something to deserve it…did I do anything wrong…and you keep thinking and churning it in your mind so much that it threatens to cloud your vision. You stop listening to your heart and start to give in to the pessimism that lurks in your mind. All for that one little speed breaker. A speed breaker so small in the scheme of things that in hindsight when you think about it you would chuckle thinking….damn in the scheme of things its just a rounding error.

Maybe you wont realize it but you choose to hurt the person whom cares for you the most. You choose to push away the helping hand that has always been over you in times of need. Call it self destructive mechanism of the human mind, or just fear…it sure is a scary time..

Of course life is overwhelming…the odds against you sometimes stack up too high..repeating the amous lnes of the poem..when you want to smile but you have to sigh…when care is pressing you down a if you must but don’t you quit. Quitters never win and winners never quit…too hackneyed you would say and roll your eyes but hey that’s the mantra to get ahead. That’s the mantra to beat the odds.

When life seems too overwhelming ..when you just want to get away from it all….think about all the good times you have with your friends , with the person you love…s life that punishing that you would want to give up all that…the summer afternoons spent fooling around with friends, fighting over a single biscuit, a stroll on the road with the wind gently blowing past as you walk hand in hand with your loved one with the music o birds in your ears, the night outs with friends watching a movie on one laptop, the all night phone call with the annoying battery down alarm ringing in your ears…is the problem worth so much that you would wish to crowd out these experiences with it.

Contemplate your decisions and follow your heart because one fine day you wake up to find the problem has vanished , and so have the ones that have been with you all this while…do you really want that ??Sometimes the people around you may not understand you, sometimes that hurts a great deal that they don’t understand, rather it’s the other way round.They know the problem and simply choose not to give too much attention to it.because it is not the problem that do.

Always remember Life will always be a roller coaster ride fraught with risks at every turn at every nook and cranny of the journey…in fact the very act of living is to risk love is to risk hating…to make friends is to risk being alone….but imagine what would you rather be …a person with problems and good people by your side or simply a person with a problem…its your life make it large…J

And to all my readers who have been waiting or my blogs…am back and the next blog crooked tie is about all the bloopers made by people in the vivas and in placement interviews …watch out folks …all your bloopers laid bare..:)


  1. it's enthralling to see how subtly and beautifully u capture the little momnets in life..good job geek!

  2. subtle and touching:):) found answers to most of my questions.. thanks!! :):)

  3. hmmm...very touchy...good goin bhai...!!!

  4. hmmm....very touchy...good goin bhai...!!!

  5. Well the person who wrote this blog is definitely not "Hariya".Maybe some evolved species of Anjan Mahapatra came back from future to write this one...Unexpected and really good read...nice soul curry.

  6. nice to see ur blog after such a long tym...but my comment's gonna be different than others !!!

    Nicely written but it didnt capture me like ur earlier write-ups....It lacks the tone that the earlier ones had...Seems like it is very casually written...

    I know the next one will be far beyond my expectations !!!

  7. Its a very rare quality that you've got...the ability to capture the intricate emotions that we feel ,the abilty to present the little experiences of life in a new light.Your attention to detail is amazing and the writing style simply superb!keep up the good work...we'll be waiting for your next post.
