Friday, July 10, 2009


This blog is a tribute , or rather i should say a fond remeberance to all those who died waiting for the boring classes in UCE to end. Now this is isnt a figment of my imagination , it is etched on the back benches of our classrooms. The sense of ennui was so great that it brought out the artist in them.

Doodles of all kinds graced the benches,reminiscent of cavemen paintings of the monolithic era. Lovers evoked their feelings with blood (rolling your eyes ...well it was the cheap ink of red ball pens).But the best part was the expletives that were used for the teachers......abuses so creative that it would be a paen to Edward De Bono (and his creative out of the box thinking skills lectures).You would think that the very teacher had made him eat snails for lunch, after reading the amount of words and the ferocity of language used. Abuses so creative , it would either make you roll in laughter or make you keel over and die thinking that future engineers of the country are prone to such gross mindset.

And thus as a retaliation against all the humiliation , the long supressed soul of the back benchers found utterance ,( as the first benchers drawled on and on , pens scrawling mindlessly using up all the precious paper). A tryst with destiny was created .....The BBC was born (The Back Benchers Community ). Generations of students have owed their alleigance to the community and anyone and everyone can join.

But there are some ground rules .
Rule no. 1 - Never even bother to listen to what the teacher is saying ( even though he is yelling that the building is on fire ). DONT EVEN TAKE THE PAIN OF STRAINING YOUR CRANIAL MUSCLES TO LOOK UP.

Rule no. 2 - Well this rule is strictly for UCE students .... No girls allowed in the BBC. And moreover never especially in the electrical branch.

Rule no. 3 - Never take more than one copy. It is in compliance with the rules of Greenpeace. Imagine the number of trees felled in the Amazon just to make one copy.We as responsible members of the planet do not want to endanger the lives of the various species of our home.
And the single copy also doubles up as a cartoon copy(This is in case of an emergency ,when the teacher is hell bent on boring you to coma)

Rule no. 4 - PROCRASTINATION IS OUR MOTTO.Never submit assignments on time delay till the last minute and then work on the assignment like your ass is on fire ....This is loads of fun guys.. you really feel like a true corporate honcho when you finish your assignments in the wee hours of the morning , just before class.and then catch on your beauty sleep in the back benches. (The Network theory bbok makes a great pillow once you put your kerchief on it.)

Rule no. 5 - Always have a repertoire of one liners ready, so that whenever one of those idiotic front benchers stand up and answer throw one at them and then snigger . This really works,its enough to fluster the person answering.

Rule no. 6 - Never show up in class on time .Always reach 15 minutes late and then keep a good excuse handy.

Rule no. 7- Once you are in BBC you are hereby forbidden to ever grace the first bench.

Rule no. 8- Bunking classes but getting marked present , is the holy grail of the BBC ...Now i am not going to tell you the secret of that will have to use your own grey matter to figure how to achieve this feat.

Rule no. 9- Follow all the above mentioned rules and stick to them . Swear by them and do not ever try to forsake your fellow BBCians .

And after your death .... a headstone shall be installed in class

Here was a noble soul who died for the cause of BBC
Blest be the one who spares these stones
Curst be the one who moves his bones.

Well classroom capers continue ...if i could write everything it would be a hardbound volume , thick enough for fellow BBCians to sleep on.For more action in the class ...log on to my blogsite ...same place ...same time.

1 comment:

  1. Rule no.3 is not valid.........coz each and evryone carries a different copy for network theory........and if u r so concerned about no of trees felled then u shud also use papers stop flying rockets
