Thursday, June 18, 2009


Fast forward 10 years and suddenly all the doctors hav one more disease to handle (already overburdened from the global outbreaks of SARS, H1N1,Bird flu) and the cause of this painstaking syndrome would be none other but your innocuous looking hand held cell phone.
A visual survey of any hostel would tend to corroborate my statements. Yes look around in any of the hostels and you would find people chatting away ...left,right and centre. Head tilted , shoulders bent and stooped in various uncomfortable positions that would have ancient yoga gurus turning in their graves.And judging by their facial expressions you can always guess whether the call is from the opposite sex.
Yep when its a girl , i've noticed people shy away from the crowd(often in secluded areas),there is a perpetual half cheeky grin throughout the duration of the call and there is absolutely zero flow of some colourful expletives that you would often hear in a hostel.

Okay friends ...i know you will be after my blood when you read your names in the blog ....but i dont give a damn. There's one guy called Satya from the Elec. Telecomm. deptt. who is a beacon of inspiration to all the cellingitis patients out there. How the hell can a person remain stuck on the phone for 6 long hours straight is a mystery that cell phone network companies gleefully would like to know,, and then come out with new schemes to increase talk times. In his room , on the bed, in the mess, on the roof...and god knows where ,people like satya are sharing sweet nothings with their lovers.

And thanks to my keen powers of observation(OK , that was an exaggeration I am blind without my specs and in the night i cant see far away), I have noticed that his head often lolls to one side even when he is not on the phone ,and his voice takes on a slick ,sweet, low almost musical tone(a consequence of talking too much with a girl).
Mark my words in the next few years medical R&D companies would be coming out with medecines , journals , even mobile stands that can fit on your head while talking on the phone and various other paraphernelia related to cellingitis. doctors around the world would be conveying their thanks to me for opening a new path for research for them.

And some of these people dont tell me i didn't warn you ... Satya,Pritam Das, Sheikh,Chandan and Satyajeet.
So as concerned citizens please warn your fellow friends who are in the throes of this malady to read my blog ....otherwise they can choose to look like those deformed zombies( in cheap hollywood flicks) after 10 years.And moreover being an electrical engg. student myself , i cannot bear to know that mobile towers malfunctioning ,due to constant exposure to the mindless yakking of these idiots.

I can hear the applause from you .Yep you must be thinking how benevolent is this chap to discuss this pressing matter, to remind us that we are an example to our future generations , live testimony to the fact that we are no slaves of technology.....
Adios folks and next time you make a call spare a thought about me and my advice....well gotta go , i can hear my phone ringing....... :)


  1. roflmao! good one!! i beleive they haven't murdered you yet for being so tell-tale... :)

  2. Nice, You are one person who is thinking out of the box..

    I am going to follow your blog from now.
    You're welcome to return the favor by following mine.
