Ahoy there readers , this blog post is a paradigm shift from the comic blogs that i keep on posting.I decided to dabble in some serious stuff that really gives you the creeps. STAUTORY WARNING- do not read this blog when you are alone at home , especially in the night.Your parents may have been visiting your relatives and you decide to relax at home, not wanting to be the attention of your relatives who keep on harking on how thin youve grown and useless stuff like that.So you decide to log on to my blog post and after reading you keel over and die in shock.
Now I dont want any of those incidents.So i warned you beforehand.
This story won me the first prize in our school, when i was in class 10th in our BOOK REVIEW WEEK.And the prize was a damn atlas.So i decided to share my story with all the weak hearted fools out there and give them goosebumps in the middle of the night.So here goes............
The idyllic rolling meadows , the sun kissing down on the golden fields of mustard as the crops gently swayed with the wind in perfect tandem,and the far off cry of the robin were the only sights that would greet the senses as one stopped by at the "Little John" village in the Sussex countryside.It was a place where time stood still and very few clocks graced themselves in public places.A few home steads and cattle ranches dotted the meadows , almost as if it was a live subject for an artists canvas.The Hogs Head bar was the sole place of entertainment for the working folk of the village who mostly consisted of sun burnt farmers and the young workers with their sprightly girlfriends.The callused hands of the people were testament to the fact that brawn was more deigned upon than brains.
Perfect for a summer vacation away form the humdrum of city life, Little John village saw a smatttering of a few tourists who came down every year to relax in the environs of the village but would soon pack their bags as the rains started.
The idyllic rolling meadows , the sun kissing down on the golden fields of mustard as the crops gently swayed with the wind in perfect tandem,and the far off cry of the robin were the only sights that would greet the senses as one stopped by at the "Little John" village in the Sussex countryside.It was a place where time stood still and very few clocks graced themselves in public places.A few home steads and cattle ranches dotted the meadows , almost as if it was a live subject for an artists canvas.The Hogs Head bar was the sole place of entertainment for the working folk of the village who mostly consisted of sun burnt farmers and the young workers with their sprightly girlfriends.The callused hands of the people were testament to the fact that brawn was more deigned upon than brains.
Perfect for a summer vacation away form the humdrum of city life, Little John village saw a smatttering of a few tourists who came down every year to relax in the environs of the village but would soon pack their bags as the rains started.
Because it was on the windward side of the hills, Little John village received rain in bucketfuls to say the least and being caught outside was a nightmare for the townspeople.
This summer young Monica Brown had come down form her hostel in the city to stay with her uncle and aunt in their large cattle ranch.She had just completed her exams and wanted a sabbatical.Parting from her boyfriend , (who was going off to Queens University to study electrical engineering)had been painful and she wanted to spend time with her relatives so that she had a firm grip on things before she went back to finish her education.So she decided to take the rickety old bus into Little John.
And here she was.......A bubbly girl oozing of energy was how the townsfolk would describe the lass.Doe eyed and soft spoken ,her good manners rubbed off on the villagers.Always cheerfull and ever ready to help her aunt Daisy she had become the cynosure of the quiet village s people.Now although she could easily break her ice among male company she was quite good friends with the dairy girls living in the nearby farmsteads.Often they would be seen sharing a laugh while working away in the dairy farms.
Summer came and went and the rains then started their onslaught on the sleepy little village.The village streets wore a deserted look as the tourists frantically cleared out of the village.The already sleepy village now resembled a cemetry with people barricading themselves in their homes out fear of the rains.
One night Monica's uncle and aunt had to rush to one of their friends place.The farmer had had fallen from his tractor and broken a few ribs in the process.Not wanting to intrude on the distraught family, Monica decided to stay back.She had comfortably settled herself on the couch near the fireplace and was curled up with her favorite novel.She had fallen asleep while reading and after an hour or so she woke up to a horrendous CRASH .She woke up to find the kitchen window crashing around in the strong winds.It was raining cats and dogs and huge booms of thunder could be heard near the hills.The gale had picked up and blew throughthe town with an eerie whistle.Closing all the windows she stoked up the fire and settled down.Just as she turned a page when ...........the lights went out. Her heart skipped a beat......then she calmed down realising that power cuts were not uncommon in these parts especially during the rains.Peals of lightning streked across the sky almost making it daylight fo a second.Then suddenly a flash of lightning revealed a silhouette lined near the bedroom window.She blinked in surprise as her hand scrambled for the torch and frantically trying to turn it on she slipped near the couch.Suppressing a yell, she managed to fumble for the torch and switch it on , but the moisture had damaged the cells and they wouldnt turn on.
And then at that very instant , lightning streaked across the sky , and what she saw made her blood run cold.Fear gripped her and she was numbed to see the dark silhouette crouching near the window pane on the front porch trying to gain entry into the house.And a glint of metal sent a shiver up her spine.She was sure it was the serial killer who had escaped from London prison a week ago.Fervently praying she grabbed a poker rod from the fireplace and stealthily crept up to the front door.
BANG CRASH ..Monica almost fell over in shock as the dark figure had now started banging loudly on her door.The figure was yelling something , incoherent to her over the sounds of thunder and rain. Convinced she was going to face the worst today ,Monica decided to startle the killer with a surprise attack.Keeping out of his line of sight she slowly crept towards the door, unscrewed the lock and wrenched it open in one motion.Simultaneously closing her eyes she swung her poker rod towards his head.But she felt a violent excruciating pain in her wrist and when she opened her eyes her poker rod had been wrested from her.
A beseeching "Please dont kill me" was all that she could manage to whimper as she knelt down knowing that the inevitable was going to happen.
"And why would i do that ma'am"."Blistering barnacles..... Why would i want to kill you"
came the reply.Startled Monica looked up and saw a rain soaked figure holding a police badge in her hand.struggling to stand she was helped to her feet by the gent.Agent Thompson from the crime bureau in London deadpanned the gent.I am the special liasion agent to Little John from the agency.Ma'am we are investigating the disappearances of three young women from these parts.They are suspected to have been killed by the serial killer who escaped from London a few days back.I was notified by your uncle today that you were alone in the house , so i came down to make sure you were OK.I tried calling you near the window and near the front porch.but you wouldnt listen.So i thought something was wrong and was trying to break in when you surprised me with your attack.
"Sorry i was scared out of my wits" was all a sheepish Monica could answer."It's OK ma'am just make sure your doors and windows are fastened properly.Nights like these are most favourable for the killer.Ill be checking on some houses down the block and coming back to my stake out position in the fields.Make sure you secyre yourself properly in your house."
"Ok" replied a releived Monica and bolted the front door.
Trying to calm down her frayed nerves , she walked back into the kitchen.She checked on all the windows there and then went down to the cellar to check the exit hatch.She noticed something seeping into the floorboards from below and she bent down to check.She removed three floorboards and what greeted her was a chilling sight.The stiff corpses of the three missing girls stared back at her, with the same horrified expression just as they were killed.
She stood up and threw back her hair and her devillish throaty laugh was drowned out by the thunder rolling across the hills.................
So how was the story folks?Enough to make you scared of things that go bump in the night...???
Send in your comments and feedback.