Ever heard of the adage ....Birds of a feather flock together
Ever heard of another one.....Opposites attract . Put them in one context and what you get is an OXYMORON.
Let me go back a little and then explain to all my readers the logic of the analogy provided.
People ..........spring was yet to come, green shoots were yet to spring forth from the ground........ and the fickle cupid had struck. People were falling in love left , right and centre. My gang was hell bent on teasing me until i turned red ...and it was'nt even confirmed....hell Atreyee had ditched me for another guy(of course that is of doubtful authenticity whether he was a guy or not ........... he was more of a CASSANOVA ). 1000 bucks say that their hopless love story doesn't last.Actually I had lost interest in her ...always sulking as if someone had spilled catdung in her breakfast....and foremost of all she had taken an absolute dislike to my blogs ...which was a cardinal sin.....
The UBER COOL gang of Prateek , Lohit, Debasish ,Anurag , Nishan and Agnish always had a word to say whenever i strolled into their rooms.......the happily single Yours truly was dogged with comments about my ex-girlfriend.....and somewhere in between somebody else was slowly being entrapped in the throes of love.....GUESS WHO???
Still guessing............well it was Prateek and the mystery girl ? .....well i had'nt a slightest clue as to who she was until very recently. Yep........... also a good friend and arguably one of the coolest girls of our batch ...Ankita Behera. yes people you have read correctly , cool people do fall in love ....of course i am an exception
Well i can write this blog with ease knowing that neither Prateek nor his girlfriend would kill me in my sleep if i write about them in my blog ...for both of them were good friends....its cool when good friends fall in love ...cos atleast you can joke and fool around and no one would feel bad.
But what really amazed me is the suddenness of the lovestory.....no one knew about their story ...there were no hushed phone calls, no first date sightings by our college mates , no secluded place talks .....would have fooled even an hardcore CIA agent.Yep the cool pople fraternity fall in love like this ......and good news all BPL people it doesnt even cost much ...ive never seen Prateek shed money on expensive and completely useless gifts...not to mention that he hasn't given me my treat yet.
Yes ...now coming to the cliched proverbs used by me at the outset....ok no hard feelings Ankita ....she was just 5 feet and Prateek was around 6 feet..........thus justifying the nomenclature of the blog ...She was a caring girl who never gave any her assignments to her juniors and yet Prateek would'nt stop at a chance to rag a junior and hand him bundle of assignments. and that is probably where all their differences end.
And their similarities are many.......Both of them are bundles of energy , both of them enjoy participating in various college fests...both of them are comfortable with seniors.............both of them think global ....both of them are optimistic and are never influenced by small talk.And foremost of all both of them are impulsive and have a scant regard of rules and the status quo.
I remember Ankita for getting a severe dressing down from the warden of the Ladies Hostel for secretly buying and bursting crackers.
She has no frills about her and is direct and straight forward in her approach , just like my chum Prateek.And BOTH OF THEM ARE CRAZY.......
But what i doubt is Ankita has a penchant for tall guys ....first Agnish was the probable suitor( no hard feelings Agnish ...that was just a standing joke amongst us ) and then Prateek.Of course the guy used reverse psychology....he would always tease Agnish and at last ended with her himself...well u cant fool me for long.....the sudden disappearances from our hostel would evidently result in a visit to the LH......
I once went with him to the LH and what we got there was nothing less than a -soccer- stand- full- of chanting- masses- approach.
Strains of "Dekho Chand Aaya ,Chand nazar aaya rent the air and wouldnt give the lovebirds a chance to talk properly.
Their love story was the talk of the town....be it the hallways or the hostels... wherever both of them were sighted...it elicited a host of comments and sniggers from the crowd.
an example - i once overheard someone saying that for Prateek to kisss Ankita he ould have to exactly bend 45 degrees and kiss her from a distance of exactly one feet. Still dont get the drift ...well she differed from him in height by exactly one feet and if he stood one foot apart , according to Pythagoras theorom his angle of depression would be exactly 45 degrees....(and who says that Maths is boring)
of course it would be rude of me to mention the other comments ......but their couple was certainly an odd one ...
Cupid certainly would have had a hard time trying to adjust his love arrows on this couple ..
so for all those who have been searching for girlfriends who exactly complement them ...take a leaf out of this couples book. All the best to Prateek and Ankita and yes ....Prateek the first time you try to kiss her ...just remember dear old Pythagoras....
Catch all of you later after my exams
Cheerio folks.